Nettoyage Baia Bella 22 MAI

Clean-up of the beach Petite Afrique and seabed : Wednesday 22th of May 2024 !

Dear all,

The beach restaurant BAIA BELLA organizes the cleaning of the Petite Afrique Beach and seabed along with BLEU GORGONE, BREATHE & REBREATHE, ANAO L’AVENTURE SOUS-MARINE, BLUENERY ACADEMY and SOS GRAND BLEU.

This clean-up will take place on Wednesday 22th of May 2024 from 9.00am to noon on the beach Petite Afrique in Beaulieu-sur-mer, let’s see at Baia Bella ! 😊

Breakfast and lunch will be offered by the restaurant to thank you for your participation.

The Port of Beaulieu Plaisance encourages strongly this action to protect Environment.

If you wish to participate, please contact the restaurant Baia Bella (Agathe Vannini +33 06 10 14 24 86 /


Many thanks,

Kinds regards,


Nettoyage Baia Bella 22 MAI