information to sail

Tout connaître sur L’environnement marin


Safety at sea

Maritime rescue

For triggering maritime rescue

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Safety rules at sea

Please consult the safety rules regarding pleasure boating (boat lower or equal to 24 m)

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Safety equipment

Safety equipment for pleasure boats. Since April 15, 2008, the 240 division concerns all pleasure boats destined to personal use or with a hull length less than 24m.

Maritime rescue

For triggering maritime rescue

The regulation

Registration of offshore yachts

All seagoing French pleasure boats have to be registered to a « boaters home » service associated with the DML (Délégation à la Mer et au Littoral) and the DDTM (Départementales des Territoires et de la Mer)

Marking of pleasure boats

Since June 16th 1998, a European legislation encompasses pleasure boat construction rules. Since January 1st 2006, this legislation also concerns motorboats within the European community.

The identification marks of pleasure boats at sea

This mark allows any struggling sailors to give their identification by VHF relief, but also the easy identification of boats or wrecks by climbing on board.

Amateur building process

Building or modifying your pleasure boat with a hull length less than 24m.