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Big underwater cleanup operation on the Port on Saturday 29th March 2025!

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Dear boaters,

The Port of Beaulieu Plaisance organizes a big underwater cleanup operation on Saturday 29th March 2025 from 9.00 am to noon!

The diving areas will be :

–          the right side of the central pontoon (pontoons 1 et 3)

–          Berth 613

–          CN Quay (Berths from CN03 to CN18)

–          TA Quay (Berths from TA01 to TA16)

If you wish to join us, let’s meet at 9.00am at the Port Office 😃

🥐 A breakfast and a lunch will be organized to thank you.

📝 Registration by mail : contact.beaulieuplaisance@nicecotedazur.org (by 25.03.2025).

All year long, we do our best to keep our port clean thanks to our cleaners and to various volonteers, by operating awareness campaigns.

Every gesture is important for our planet!

« Natura 2000 » and associations such as « Bleu Gorgone », « Anao, l’aventure sous-marine », « Un océan de vie » and companies such as « Breathe and Rebreathe », « Riviera Gliss » and « Monaco Marine » will participate to this ecological approach.

🌏 Let’s preserve together our beautiful Mediterranean ! 🐬

Thanks in advance for your cooperation 😊

Best regards,